Assessments Challenges Choices Decisions Planning Transitions

Career Assessments - Comparative Analysis

This document provides a comparative analysis of the different categories and types of career assessments and tests available in the industry. The main purpose of these assessments is to provide insight into an individual's interests, motives, values, personality, and general ability.

There are four major categories of career tests: Interest Inventories, Motives and Values Inventories, Personality Tests, and Ability Tests. Each type of test addresses a different aspect of an individual's career path.

Interest Inventories measure how closely an individual's job interests match those of people who work successfully in various professions. Some well-known examples include the Strong Interest Inventory (CCP), the Career Assessment Inventory, the Self-Directed Search (Holland), and the Kuder Interest Inventory. While these tools can be a valuable tool in identifying an individual's general areas of interest, they use the assumption that what one likes now is what they will like in the future. This is a false assumption that can lead to an inaccurate prediction of an individual's sustainable passion for a career. Compass, on the other hand, determines interests based on an individual's design, providing a more accurate prediction of sustainable passion for a career.

Motives and Values Questionnaires provide insight into how an individual would like their life to be. These assessments typically ask about the importance of job security, salary, the opportunity to display creativity on the job, and many other job-related preferences. While it is important to know an individual's values and motives related to their career path, these assessments are limited by the individual's knowledge of their own values and motives. Compass identifies values and motives based on an individual's design, making it a superior approach.

Personality Tests look at how an individual is known by others based on their observable behaviors. These tests are often used in vocational and hiring situations and ask respondents to check off or rate items that best describe how they would react under various circumstances. While personality tests are important in evaluating an individual's potential for success, used alone, they fail to properly identify what drives an individual from the core. Compass combines the power of Myers Briggs, DISC, StrengthsFinder, Temperament Sorter (and Strong’s/Holland) into one system. The system uses the aggregated results to predict outcomes relative to personal awareness, career, and college.

General Ability Tests fall into four categories: cognitive ability tests, knowledge tests, specific ability tests, and work-sample or performance tests. While general ability is essential to know when hiring an individual, using general knowledge to identify future potential is a flawed premise. It is the most widely used method of career testing done. However, it provides good information about an applicant's capabilities, but it is a poor indication of future possibilities. Compass identifies future potential based on an individual's design, not on how much they know. The result is that it can predict what the candidate will be good at even if they have zero knowledge of the subject matter, which is essential when making the right career choice.

In conclusion, while there are many career assessments available in the industry, they all fall into these four major categories. Compass offers a superior approach that identifies an individual's sustainable passion for a career based on their design. By using this approach, individuals can make informed decisions about their career path, leading to a more fulfilling and successful professional life.