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Assessments Challenges Choices Decisions Planning Transitions

Revamp Your Decision-Making Process with the "Should I Paradigm" System

Are you tired of making the wrong decisions? Do you often find yourself asking, "Should I do this or should I do that?" If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with making decisions that will impact their future in a significant way. That's why the author of the book, "Should I Paradigm," has developed a system to help you make better decisions.

The "Should I Paradigm" is a decision-making system that focuses on making qualitative decisions instead of quantitative ones. The system recognizes that we don't have enough information to make decisions about the future using only quantitative reasoning. Instead, we must make qualitative decisions based on our perceptions and the quality of the options available to us.

The book emphasizes that we often ask the wrong questions when making decisions. We focus on questions that deal with the present rather than the future. For example, deciding whether to take the scenic route home is a simple decision that only requires quantifying readily available information. But deciding on a career path that will impact our future requires a qualitative decision-making process.

The author shares personal stories of disastrous career decisions that were based on limited information and quantitative reasoning. These decisions were made without considering what career would take advantage of their passion and who they are. The book emphasizes that the correct decision-making process for choices that impact the future is qualitative decision making.

The "Should I Paradigm" provides a step-by-step process for making qualitative decisions that will lead to better outcomes. It includes identifying your passions and talents, exploring various career options, and evaluating those options based on how well they align with your passions and talents.

If you're tired of making the wrong decisions, "Should I Paradigm" can help you make better ones. Whether you're making a decision about your career, your relationships, or your future in general, this decision-making system can guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

Different Questions for Different Problems

When it comes to decision-making, it is important to understand the different types of questions we can ask ourselves. By using the right decision-making paradigm, we can ensure that we make informed decisions that lead to positive outcomes. In this article, we will discuss the two types of questions and how to use them to our advantage.

“Could I or Can I” Questions

These are the everyday questions we ask ourselves and others. They are relatively simple in nature and require little research. Examples include how fast we drive or how much exercise we get. While these questions may have long-term impacts, we already have the information we need to make a decision.

However, it is important to note that some of these questions may slip into the “should I” category, especially if they involve doing things we are not naturally gifted with. For example, if we are not naturally organized, a question about how organized we are may become more complex and require more thought.

“Should I” Questions

These questions require more thought and consideration. They involve choices that have significant long-term impacts, such as what career to pursue or how much risk we are willing to take. These decisions may require research and guidance from professionals who understand the complexities of the decision-making process.

It is important to remember that our emotions play a role in decision-making. Asking complex questions in the wrong context can lead to confusion and negative feelings. However, using the “Should I Paradigm” can generate positive feelings and make decisions easier to make and act upon.

Questions Dealing with Preferences

These are choices we make on a regular basis, such as what movies to watch or what to eat. They require little thought and are often based on personal preference.

Finally, it is important to understand that perfectionism has its place in decision-making. While it may not be for everyone, perfectionists can be valuable in certain fields, such as designing and building planes or spaceships.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of questions we can ask ourselves is essential to making informed decisions. By using the right decision-making paradigm and taking into account our emotions and preferences, we can make choices that lead to positive outcomes in our lives.

The Importance of Developing a Life Purpose Statement and Using the "Should I" Paradigm

Before making any major decision in life, it is important to have a clear understanding of your life purpose or mission statement. This statement acts as the boundaries or constraints that you can impose on yourself to ensure you stay within your personal field of play. By having a clear understanding of your life purpose, you can use the "Should I" Paradigm to make decisions that align with your purpose.

One assessment system that provides a personal mission or life purpose as part of the process is Compass by Living My Purpose. This system identifies the three elements of your life purpose statement: your talents and strengths, behaviors, and personality. By taking different assessments, such as StrengthsFinder, the DISC Assessment, and the Myers Briggs personality assessment, you can uncover who you are and boil down the essence of each trait into a simple statement that identifies the foundation of who you are and what drives you to take action.

When making decisions, it is important to ask yourself "Should I" questions and bounce them off of your purpose statement. For example, if you are considering a job opportunity, ask yourself if the job aligns with your talents and strengths, if it allows you to express your foundational principles and values, and if it gives you the opportunity to exercise your natural leadership abilities.

It is also important to consider passion when making decisions. While your profile may align well with a particular career, it is important to ensure that you are also passionate about the field. Passion gives your purpose direction, but skill and ability also play a role in determining if a particular career is a good fit.

In conclusion, by developing a clear life purpose statement and using the "Should I" Paradigm to make decisions, you can ensure that you stay true to who you are and make choices that align with your purpose. Remember to consider both your profile and passion when making decisions and always strive to align your choices with your purpose.

My Journey to Fulfilling My Purpose: Applying the "Should I Paradigm"

Throughout my life, I have transitioned from one career to another, searching for the right fit. Each step along the way played into what I have accomplished in my life, but many of the stages of my growth were filled with frustration and failure. However, my definition of success differs from the traditional view. To me, money, position, and achievement mean little if I don't get to fulfill my purpose in life, which is the passionate pursuit of potential.

Looking back, I attribute my failures to a few simple factors. Firstly, I did not know what my potential was, so I was not putting it to work pursuing my life purpose. Secondly, I did not understand what my passion was, so I never had a sustaining drive to meet any one of the many misguided career goals I set for myself. Knowing my purpose would have allowed me to put my potential to work doing something I believed in, and knowing my passion would have given me sustainable drive.

I want to share some of the misery I went through during my journey so that others can learn from it and avoid the same mistakes. I loved working on cars, but I did not love working on other people's cars. I did not handle customers' frustrations and accusations well, and I never got to make someone's car reach its ultimate potential, which is what fulfills my purpose. Working on computers did not allow me to fulfill my purpose, and I quickly transitioned to solving problems for people, but it was not helping them realize the greatness within, which is what drives me.

My ventures into electronics distribution and consulting were not me, and they still did not allow me to pursue my passion. I was still just helping others remove some of their workload, so they could take on more workload, which was not fulfilling.

It took a couple of years, but I finally found the right fit when I visited an assessment center, where I took three assessments: StrengthsFinder, DISC, and Myers Briggs. I realized what I had been missing and how my personal talents and strengths played right into integrating the assessments into a career change and transition system.

In 2008, I began developing the Compass Career Coaching system, which is now used by myself and other coaches to help people transition from one career to another. The system has been used by thousands to help them understand their potential, purpose, and passion relative to career change and transition. I have personally guided over a thousand people into careers they are passionate about, which is changing the world one person at a time.

I have learned that fulfillment comes from pursuing your potential and passion, and applying the "Should I Paradigm" helps you make decisions that align with your purpose. So, don't settle for less than what fulfills you. With the right guidance, you too can find the right career and make the transition.

The Power of Finding Your Passion: Lessons from a Career Transitioner

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a career that just wasn't fulfilling? Have you jumped from job to job searching for that one passion that will make you feel truly alive? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with finding the right career fit, and it can be a frustrating and exhausting journey.

One person who knows this struggle all too well is the founder of an automated career coaching system. He shares his personal journey of career transitions, from starting a consulting company to becoming a vocational pastor and everything in between. He admits to feeling like a failure despite making a lot of money, but he knew something was missing.

It wasn't until he discovered the power of psychometric assessments, such as StrengthsFinder, DISC, and Myers Briggs, that he found his true calling in helping others find their passion. He now offers free information and coaching to help others avoid the same mistakes he made.

Here are twelve things he experienced when he found his passion, which he believes others will also experience:

When you find a career that you're truly passionate about, it's not just a job - it becomes a part of who you are. You'll feel a sense of pride in yourself and your work, and others will be drawn to your passion and competence. You may even find it hard to limit your work hours because it doesn't feel like work at all.

If you're still searching for your passion, don't give up hope. There are tools and resources available to help you find the right career fit. And when you do, you'll know it - because everything about it will feel natural, and you'll feel truly fulfilled.

The “Should I Paradigm” for Better Decision-Making in Life

When it comes to making decisions that involve personal potential, it is essential to use the “Should I Paradigm.” Potential is something that resides within everyone, just like the seed of an apple tree that has the potential to propagate an entire orchard. However, unlocking and nurturing this potential requires knowing oneself and making better life-changing decisions.

Applications of the “Should I Paradigm”

The “Should I Paradigm” has a broader application beyond career decisions. Here are some of the bigger decisions in life where it can be applied:

Personal development

Knowing oneself is the foundation for personal growth. By developing a life purpose statement and revisiting it regularly, one can ensure that they are living up to their potential and encouraging others to do the same.

Choosing or changing careers

Choosing a career is a critical decision that impacts one's future. Unfortunately, many people end up working in jobs they do not like because they did not have the experience, knowledge, or wisdom to make better decisions at a vulnerable age. It is important to select a career direction before choosing what to study and what kind of education is needed.

Choosing a school

Selecting a school requires research into what one wants to do with the degree they will earn. Without this research, graduates may end up working outside their field of study, taking an average of nine years to recover from their first job failure. It is essential to make an informed decision that aligns with one's potential.

Selecting a mate

Knowing one's personality and finding a perfect personality match can lead to a successful relationship. Websites like socionics.com can help individuals find their perfect match and highlight areas of conflict that need work.


Raising children according to their potential and helping them make life's most important decisions is crucial. By using the “Should I Paradigm,” parents can guide their children to choose careers that align with their personal profile, leading to successful outcomes.

Business decisions

Business decision-making requires a separate book called “The Should I Paradigm for Business” to guide decision-makers on foundational issues. Deploying this strategy can lead to better outcomes for the future of one's business.

Employee development

Managers should consider the natural talents, strengths, behaviors, and personality of their employees before delegating tasks. Assigning tasks that fit an employee's natural strengths and talents ensures effectiveness and success.

Outcomes of the “Should I Paradigm”

Deploying the “Should I Paradigm” strategy in life can lead to the following outcomes:

The “Should I Paradigm” is a valuable tool that can lead to a better understanding of oneself and informed decision-making. By using this strategy, one can unlock and nurture their potential, leading to successful outcomes in all aspects of life.

The Ramifications of Using the Should I Paradigm

Are you constantly worrying and stressing over decisions in your life? Do you feel like you're not living up to your potential or living a life of purpose? The Should I Paradigm may be the solution you need. Let's explore some of the ramifications of using this paradigm and how it can positively impact your life.

Worry, stress, and anxiety are common when we're unsure of our decisions and what the future holds. The Should I Paradigm aims to remove this kind of self-torture from your life by helping you make better decisions and reducing confusion. With a clear understanding of your personal profile, you can confidently make decisions that align with your purpose and potential, reducing worry and stress.

Personal conflict often arises when we're not happy with our life choices, leading to dissatisfaction with work and personal relationships. Financial strain is one of the top drivers of failed marriages, but personal conflicts due to internal conflicts can also take a toll on relationships. Using the Should I Paradigm can help you make decisions that align with your personal profile, resulting in personal satisfaction and more positive relationships with those around you.

Your reputation is the end result of how you react to life. Using the Should I Paradigm to make decisions that align with your purpose can help you live a life of significance and be known for your positive actions and impact on others. Personal satisfaction and effectiveness are also important ramifications of using the Should I Paradigm. By working in a career that aligns with your personal profile, you can increase your effectiveness and satisfaction in life.

In conclusion, the Should I Paradigm can have a profound impact on your life. By understanding your personal profile and making decisions that align with your purpose and potential, you can reduce worry, stress, and anxiety, improve personal relationships, enhance your reputation, increase personal satisfaction, and be more effective in your career. Don't let indecision and confusion hold you back from living the life you were meant to live. Start using the Should I Paradigm today and see the positive ramifications it can have on your life.